Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
One of many possible reasons Trump is trying to avoid paying his own taxes by mucking up the IRS, the ignorant hypocrisy over Trump’s claims to care about children in other countries, more on Trump’s unraveling Syrian gas attack fairy tale, pushing another dubious ‘executive order’ allegedly aimed at buying American while hiring Americans, still scrambling to justify his fraudulent Obama wiretapping claims, another broken Trump promise – this time involving a DREAMer, the continuing fallout from Trump and Nunes’s fake Susan Rice scandal, white supremacist blames Trump for inciting violence at his rallies, Trump and his family looting the U.S. Treasury, allegations that Putin-linked think tank helped Trump win the election, the convenience of appointing an ex-CEO of Exxon as Secretary of State who gets to decide whether a waiver allowing Exxon to bypass U.S. sanctions against Russia to drill offshore with a Russian company in the Black Sea will be granted, shifting his fraudulent vacations – profiting as U.S. taxpayer expense while staying at his own properties – to another Trump property, his record inauguration fundraising – much of which appears to have been used as bribery for our lackluster leader and the GOP establishment – is unaccounted for, Trump’s ethical issues and conflicts of interest are growing exponentially, aided by his absolute disregard for ethics, laws, and rules and more.
Robert Reich: 4 Reasons Trump’s Plan to Shrink the IRS Would Do Big Damage to Society article from AlterNet. –
Trump Has Killed Beautiful Babies in Four Countries article from Information Clearing House. –
How the U.S. Government Spins the Story article from The Unz Review. –
More on Trump’s unraveling Syrian Gas Attack Fairy Tale.
Trump pushes reactionary ‘Buy American, Hire American’ plan article from The World Socialist Web Site. –
“President Trump signed an executive order Tuesday making it more difficult for skilled workers from other countries to obtain temporary work visas in the US. The order also called for a review of trade deals to enforce “Buy American” clauses and mandated government agencies to use American-made steel and other goods in federally funded projects and contracts.
The measures, Trump said, were part of his “Buy American, Hire American” policy, which would “send a powerful signal to the world: We’re going to defend our workers, protect our jobs, and finally put America first.”
Trump’s program of economic nationalism, along with his savage witch-hunting of immigrant workers, is the domestic counterpart to the administration’s ever more violent military provocations around the world. With the support of the trade union bureaucracy, Trump is peddling the lie that foreign workers and “unfair trade deals” with China, Mexico and other countries, not the relentless pursuit of profit by the American ruling class, are the causes for chronic unemployment and stagnant wages.
Aware that American workers are already tired of endless wars and their financial and human cost, the Trump administration is trying to divert social anger outward even as its program of expanding militarism, corporate tax cuts, deregulation and social spending cuts imposes greater hardships and inevitably provokes working class opposition…”