Daily Archives: April 17, 2017

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 65

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

More on what appears to have been a staged chemical weapons attack in Syria despite Trump’s duplicitous claims that it was done by the Syrian government, Trump’s popularity hits another new historic low as his ethics issues continue growing exponentially, blaming Trump’s profound failures on Steve Bannon, increasing his unethical, morally challenged cesspool of corruption known as his swamp, majority believe our Liar-in-Chief never keeps his promises, more on Trump’s War Crimes and campaign fraud, one of Trump’s chief propagandists admits that he’s a fake, 120,000 protesters turn out to demand Trump’s taxes, looking past the moronic bluster and profoundly corrupt idiocies of Trump and his illegitimate administration reveals his necessity for dubious secrecy, the convenience of Trump’s disappearing Russia scandal and much more.

MIT expert claims latest chemical weapons attack in Syria was staged article from The International Business Times on Yahoo! News. –

It’s not just the golf: Trump’s Mar-a-Lago ethics mess gets worse article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Poll: Majority of Americans disapprove of President Trump, a near historic low article from AOL News. –

Trump Just Appointed a Chemical Industry Honcho to Protect Us From Chemicals article from Mother Jones. –

E.J. Dionne: Trump: Now it’s Bannon’s fault article from The St. Louis Post-Dispatch. –

“President Trump rose to power on a combination of meanness, incoherence and falsehoods. His strategy depended almost entirely on playing off the unpopularity and weaknesses of others.

Every aspect of his approach has blown up on him since he took office, but as is always the case with Trump, he will not take any personal responsibility for what’s going wrong. He must find a scapegoat. The latest object of his opprobrium would seem to be Steve Bannon, the chief White House strategist.

But dumping Bannon would only underscore the extent to which Trump is a political weathervane, gyrating wildly with the political winds. He’s “populist” one day, conventionally conservative the next, and centrist the day after that. His implicit response is: Who cares? Let’s just get through another week…”

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