Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
Our illegitimate president accused of political blackmail over his fraudulent Obamacare replacement, White House denies it – consider the source – as Syria military claims US airstrike blows up ISIS chemical weapons depot killing ‘hundreds,’ dropping the ‘mother of all bombs’ in Afghanistan easily construed as a crime against humanity by our war criminal President, our pussy-grabbing minority-elect President is shutting down his modeling agency, dubiously lying about his relationship with Steve Bannon – who is being paranoid since being demoted, the constant flip flopping by our minority-elect President reveals the depths of his incessant ignorance, Trump’s offspring only interested in profiting off their name since daddy’s in the White House, Russia, Iran and Syria warn U.S. over Trump’s war crimes, Trump’s budget director says he’ll cut Social Security whether Trump knows it or not, how our delusional leader acts like a glorified gangster, time to hold Trump accountable, Trump’s confusion over his his military as opposed to the U.S. military, why things could get interesting for Trump if he fires Bannon, bracing for more war from trigger-happy Liar-in-Chief, Bill Moyers ponders whether or not Trump will EVER become President, the presidential learning curve remains steep for Trump, Chinese media having fun at Trump’s expense and much more.
House Democrat accuses President Trump of ‘political blackmail’ article from AOL News. –
Syrian Military Claims ‘Hundreds’ Killed After U.S. Airstrike Hits ISIS Chemical Weapons Site article from Newsweek on Yahoo! News. –
You’ll see little mention of this in America’s corporate media. As usual the U.S. denies it, but the best way to get an idea of what is going on in a country is to view their News site(s).
Hundreds Killed as US Bombs ISIS Chemical Depot: Syrian MoD article from Information Clearing House. –
US drops largest non-nuclear weapon on Afghanistan: A crime against humanity article from the World Socialist Web Site. –
“The US military’s dropping of the largest non-nuclear weapon in its arsenal on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border Thursday is a crime against humanity. Even as the US government and the mass media were engaged in a lying propaganda campaign denouncing Syria and Russia for the use of poison gas, the American military was positioning the monstrous weapon—the Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB)—for use in Afghanistan.
While the Pentagon has released few details about the impact of the bombing, one can be certain that the total number of deaths resulting from the dropping of the MOAB is a massive multiple of the number killed in the alleged Syrian gas attack, assuming—and this is by no means certain—that the gas attack even took place.
Seventy-two years after the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, American imperialism has proven once again that it is the most ruthless and criminal force on the planet.
The use of the MOAB has implications that extend beyond Afghanistan. It demonstrates—and this is, in fact, the principal aim of the attack—that there are no restraints on what the US military is prepared to do in pursuit of the interests of American imperialism…”