Reince Priebus plays a starring role in taking the blame for Trump’s ineptitude, answers as to why Trump panics about the probe into his Russia scandal – part of which involving his son-in-law is unraveling, Trump may have screwed himself on getting support from Democrats in Congress, Trump’s EPA could end up greenlighting chemicals that damage humans – especially children, why Trump may not be able to defund sanctuary cities resisting his pernicious Muslim Ban, Trump’s stealth war of retaliation against sanctuary cities, incessant insecurity and infighting in Trump’s White House continues growing, flip-flopping – in typical fraudulent Trump fashion – on getting Obamacare replaced, Trump and the U.S. budget are unable to keep up with his promises, destroying President Obama’s climate plan and the environment might not be as easy as Trump thinks, Trump’s approval rating sinks to new low twice in one week, the pernicious egregiousness of Trump’s executive order on destroying the environment and climate, the existential threat posed by Trump’s treasonous White House, GOP still covering up Trump’s crimes and Russia scandal, GOP still hiding Trump’s tax returns – for the third time, getting more organized to resist and deal with the trauma that Trump is, Trump’s ignorance extends to foreign affairs – which is a big problem and more.
In Trump’s White House drama, Priebus is favorite target article from the AP on Yahoo! News. –
White House’s explanation for Kushner’s secret meeting with a Russian banker unravels article from Think Progress. –
Now we know why Trump panicked about Russia probe article from the Chicago Tribune. –
“You know things are looking grim for President Donald Trump when he starts tweeting about Hillary Clinton again. Monday evening he sounded trapped and wounded: “Why isn’t the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, Russian speech.”
Well, perhaps it is because she is not president, did not hold back her tax returns, did not constantly cheer for Vladimir Putin, did not hire a host of pro-Putin flunkies and did not have aides who lied about contact with Russian officials.
Trump’s tweet certainly appears to be an attempt to deflect attention and to shift discussion away from the newest revelation about the Trump Russia scandal. The Post reports:
“The Trump administration sought to block former acting attorney general Sally Yates from testifying to Congress in the House investigation of links between Russian officials and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, The Washington Post has learned, a position that is likely to further anger Democrats who have accused Republicans of trying to damage the inquiry…”
Trump realizes he shouldn’t have written Democrats off – but he’s already screwed himself article from the Business Insider on Yahoo! News. –