Daily Archives: March 8, 2017

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 25

Trump’s White House denies Trump’s meeting with Russian ambassador during presidential primary despite multiple documented reports of it, Trump’s lies just keep coming, the difficulty of managing the Trump ‘disinformation’ bubble, Trump’s fraudulent enrichment program, Trump lies – tries to take credit – for Exxon’s expansion program, 38 more conflicts of interest for our fraudulent minority-elect President, even pro-Trump media isn’t buying his dubious Obamacare replacement bill crap, Trump prepares to go to war with GOP over Trumpcare, parts of Trump’s Russian dossier have been confirmed, Trump’s betrayal of those who believed his health care promises, echoing Nixon in so many ways for many of the same reasons, why Democrats keep losing to Trump and his miscreants, why it’s important not to get distracted by the Trump sideshow, the frightening truth about Fox News viewers and their support of Trump and more.

White House calls reported Trump meeting with Russian ambassador ‘absurd’ article from GMA on Yahoo! News. –

Trump live tweets Fox, adding a lie of his own article from Think Progress. –

“President Donald Trump began his Tuesday by live tweeting statistics from Fox News?—?and embroidering the media coverage on Fox to spread a falsehood about how which Guantanamo detainees former President Barack Obama released.

While the statistic had appeared on Fox shortly before, the falsehood was Trump’s own extrapolation.

At 6:13 a.m. during a news rundown, Fox News mentioned the death of former Guantanamo Bay detainee Yasir al-Silmi, who was killed in an air strike on Yemen on March 2nd.

“A win in the war on terror, the Trump administration just killed a former Guantanamo Bay detainee released by Barack Obama, Yasir al-Silmi,” the segment went. “He had been released back in 2009 even though the department of defense recommended that he stay behind bars. 122 prisoners released from Gitmo have returned to the battlefield…”

Fact-checking Trump’s tweet about Guantanamo Bay detainees article by GMA from Yahoo! News. –

Surprise…another Trump lie.

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