With less than two weeks to go until the 2008 Presidential election and Republican Presidential candidate John McCain lagging so far behind in the polls while being dragged down by his barely-vetted vice presidential candidate, growing desperation is resulting in more fearmongering techniques and attempted acts of voter fraud, disenfranchisement and intimidation, voters are being fraudulently duped into registering as Republicans, numerous problems with voting machines flipping votes are being reported and millions of voters continue being purged — all in typical Republican tradition.
The Republican party’s desperation is becoming more evident on a daily basis. Smear campaigns and blatant lies that were once effectively used by the Republican party no longer have the desired affect. Campaign rallies by the McCain/Palin campaign are stirring up riots and potential acts of terrorism, but little else. McCain did receive an endorsement from al Qaeda though.
Ohio’s Secretary of State has received death threats since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a lawsuit by the Republican party and Ohio’s election web site has been hacked. Congress has received bomb threats and the New York Times, among others, has received postal mail with a white powdery substance. Just like clockwork, the threats and intimidations used to sway public opinion by the Bush administration are once again being utilized. As I’ve said before, the Republican party and the Bush regime will stoop to any level to make sure McCain gets appointed to the White House since he will continue Bush’s policies, and he’ll keep all the crimes committed by the Bush regime covered up — at least he’ll try to.
It’s not easy for the Bush administration and the Republican party to get away with things like they did the last two elections. Everyone is ready — almost to the point of expecting it — for the next attempted false flag attack by the Bush administration, and hiding something as big as the attacks of 9/11 again will be impossible. Don’t be surprised if another phony Osama bin Laden tape magically appears.
Problems With Electronic Voting Machines
Despite the known insecurities and vulnerabilities of electronic voting machines, the United States still uses them in important elections such as this one. Princeton University issued a redacted report and videos of their findings regarding the insecurities and inaccuracies of the Sequoia AVC Advantage 9.00H DRE Voting Machine. Their findings are alarming, and serve as another example of why it should be illegal to use electronic voting machines.
The AVC Advantage contains a computer that is easy to manipulate — it takes about 7 minutes — into taking votes for one candidate and converting them into votes for another by using a fraudulent computer program, noting that without voter-verified paper ballots, it’s extremely hard to know whether a voting machine is running the right program. The AVC Advantage machines also have a few user-interface flaws that can be fatal and used to disenfranchise voters.
Voters in West Virginia and Tennessee are reporting problems with using ESS Touch-Screens. When they try to vote for Obama, first it won’t register, then it flips to another candidate. The director and executive producer of an award-winning election integrity documentary experienced the electronic voting machine vote flipping firsthand. Still the Democratic party does absolutely nothing about it. More information can also be found from The West Virginia Gazette and AlterNet.
In the near future, as time allows, I’ll go more indepth about the ongoing Republican attempts to steal the election. In the meantime, links to more information can be found below.
Links to More Information
Links to the information above as well as many other ongoing election fraud articles can be found below:
ACORN / Brave New Films Voter Suppression Video and article from Open Left
Voter Intimidation, Machine Malfunctions article from Media With Conscience News
Voters say they were duped into registering as Republicans article from The Los Angeles Times
High court rejects GOP bid in Ohio voting dispute article from BreitBart.com
13 Million Voters Purged — and Counting! article and videos from The Daily Kos
Smells Like Republican Shadenfreude article from The Huffington Post
What is hapening to GOP electoral tactics? article by Glenn Greenwald from Salon News
McCain Camp Not Taking al Qaeda Endorsement Well article from Vet Voice
Report on the Sequoia AVC Advantage article from Freedom to Tinker
Ohio election Web site shut down after hacked article from Reuters
Ohio: Hackers attack Sec. of State web site, death threats coming in article from The Daily Kos
Ohio election threats article from SourceWatch
Insecurities and Inaccuracies of the Sequoia AVC Advantage 9.00H DRE Voting Machine report from The Princeton University Center For Information Technology Policy
Election Integrity Filmmaker Sees Own Vote Flipped on ESS Touch-Screens in TN article from The Brad Blog
More W. Va. voters say machines are switching votes – In six cases, Democratic votes flipped to GOP article from The Saturday Gazette-Mail
New Jersey Report: Sequioa Voting Machine Vulnerable article from AlterNet
[Updated] SCARY: Voting machine didn’t want me to vote for Obama article from The Daily Kos
The “Steal This Election” Citizen Investigation Map from Mother Jones
E-voting security results “awful,” says Ohio secretary of state article from Computer World
Theft of the 2008 Election video from YouTube
Could The US Election Be Stolen? article from Common Dreams News Center
Election Night Helper: Guide to State-by-State Web Sites for Results information from All Voices
Fears of fraud plague voters, counters alike article from The Post-Tribune
Votes Reportedly Flipping from Repub to Dem in TN! article from The Brad Blog
Election clerk distributed letters calling Obama “Black Hitler” article from The Zoo
Everyone’s vote needs to be counted on Election Day article from The Progressive
What happens if GOP increased their Vote Tampering Margin for 2008 beyond that of 2000 and 2004? article from OpEdNews
Military Ballots Tossed In Fairfax article from The Atlantic
A McCain “Win” Will Be Theft, Resistance Is Planned article from After Downing Street
Setup for a Stolen Election article from OpEdNews
Big Setbacks for GOP Voter Suppression Efforts in Swing States article from The Brad Blog
A Note on the Polls article from Real Clear Politics
This Election is too Important to Allow for Oversight article from Smoking Mirrors Blogspot
The Truth About Voter Fraud article from The Progress Report (Think Progress)
Florida’s GOP lawmakers blamed for early-voting lines article from McClatchy News
Ugly election incidents show lingering U.S. racism article from Yahoo! News / Reuters
Thousands of Citizens Write West Virginia Officials to Urge Machines That Flip Votes Be Taken Out of Service article from After Downing Street
Preparing the Cover Story for the Theft of the Election article from OpEdNews
Electronic Voting Fraud: Choosing “straight party” will deny your vote! article from The Bruce Blog
Election officials telling college students they can’t vote article from KansasCity.com
Protect This Election article from The Nation
Federal Lawsuit Finally Filed Against PA to Demand Emergency Paper Ballots for Voters article from The Brad Blog
Ron Howard’s Call To Action video from FunnyOrDie.com
Latest Obama advocates: Opie, Andy Griffith, Fonz article from Yahoo! News / The Associated Press
Why Would Anyone Want To Stop You From Voting? video from Video the Vote
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