While the Bush administration and the U.S. Military would have you believe that a little over 4,100 U.S. soldiers have been killed in action while fighting Bush’s illegal war, the real death count is even more shocking — U.S. government data shows that over 70,000 American soldiers have died and over 1 million are disabled as a result of being exposed to radiation poisoning from U.S. weaponry — Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) that were made in America.
An Iraq War veteran who served this country for almost 9 years was one of the many veterans who was diagnosed with a disease caused from exposure to radiation and/or inhaling metal fragments or dust-like particles. Matthew Bumpus was diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia in 2006 — a form of cancer that can take years to manifest. Because it can take years, the VA denied his benefits.
Mr. Bumpus died from his illness the morning of August 3, 2008, leaving behind his wife and two kids. This, unfortunately, is becoming more and more common. Excerpts from Mr. Bumpus’ letter to Congress attempting to get some aid can be found a little further below.
The military, in typical Bush administration fashion, continues covering up information regarding the deaths of those brave men and women who make the ultimate sacrifice while fighting Bush’s illegal wars. The U.S. military has killed more of its own soldiers than both of Bush’s wars have. In typical zionistic corporate media ownership fashion, the corporate press continues ignoring this problem so more people aren’t made aware of it.
Research conducted by LibertyForLife.com reportedly found that according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) figures (PDF), the official but not well publicized count of U.S. soldiers who have perished as an apparent result of Depleted Uranium (DU) based bio-chemical warfare exposure is 73,846 (as of May 2007), exceeding the estimated count of 58,000 U.S. soldiers killed during the Vietnam War. The number of soldiers killed by exposure to U.S. dirty bombs is expected to be well over 200,000 by 2010. An August 2007 copy of the Gulf War Veterans Information System report (PDF) is available from The VA.
Over 1 million U.S. soldiers have been disabled from exposure to Depleted Uranium based biochemicals. President Bush and Presumptive Republican Presidential nominee John McCain call this a “success.” Birth defects in Iraq are up 600%. When U.S. veterans who were stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan have children, they may have that to look forward to too.
The Bush administration doesn’t want you to compare the total number of U.S. soldiers killed or wounded because of two failed, illegal wars — waged by a Father and Son Presidency, the latter of which was never elected — to the total killed in Vietnam. They rig the numbers instead by only counting the soldiers who died on the ground before they could get them into a hummer, helicopter or ambulance. Bush Sr., Clinton and Bush Jr. are responsible for the radiation in the Middle East deposited by the U.S. that will continue killing, virtually forever. So much for having war criminals running the country.
More Than 1,820 Tons of Radioactive Nuclear Waste
In what represents the worst man made ecological disaster in the history of the World, more than 1,820 tons of radioactive nuclear waste uranium were exploded into Iraq alone in the form of armor piercing rounds and bunker buster bombs. In comparison, 64 kg of uranium were used in the Hiroshima bomb. 28,000 people died in Hiroshima as a result of radiation poisoning.
More U.S. military personnel and Iraqis are killed by these weapons than the alleged terrorist targets of U.S. military propaganda, which could be categorically perceived as a Crime Against Humanity.
Millions of Iraqis could be killed due to the contamination from the use of this weaponry. It appears that those in charge of running Bush’s illegal war are perpetrating widespread Eugenics designed to depopulate Iraq. Uranium poisoning can take decades to kill.
An estimated 73,000 Gulf War Veterans have died from ‘Gulf War Syndrome’ — as a result of uranium poisoning — and an estimated 40 percent are on disability as a result of uranium poisoning.
Iraq War Veteran With Cancer Denied Benefits
Between the lines below is an article containing excerpts of a letter sent to Congress that was written by Matthew Bumpus. The article orginally appeared on IraqRadiation.com:
Matthew Bumpus, Gulf War Veteran w/cancer, veteran denied benefits article from IraqRadiation.com.
Matthew Bumpus (original inspiration for this site) was initially diagnosed with Acute Myleogenous Leukemia (AML)in August 2006. The following is excerpts from a letter Matt has sent to some Congress & Senate members in an attempt to get assistance. Hearing Matt’s story in his own words is very powerful.
“My name is Matt Bumpus and I am 31 years old. I live in Roseville, CA with my wife and two sons. I had the honor of serving my country in the US Army for 8 years and 9 months. I was a Staff Sergeant, Command Section Sergeant and Stryker Vehicle Commander; and was in Charlie Company, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment. I served in Iraq for a year and was primarily in heavy combat zones in and around Ballad and Al Mosul. When I returned, my wife and I decided to go home to California and start setting down roots near our extended family and continue growing our family.
In July of 2006, I was home, had a job with a bright future, we were expecting our second child, we had just moved into a house, and life was good! At that time I was receiving a 10% disability for a wrist and shoulder injury. I had included a claim for hearing loss suffered while enlisted, but it was denied and therefore not included in the disability.
On July 31st I was rushed by ambulance to the hospital with acute appendicitis. The next thing I remember is hearing that I had been diagnosed with the life threatening disease; Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML). I was told that there was ‘chromosome damage due to radiation exposure.’ The following months of chemo, drugs, increased ringing in my ears, and various procedures, were at times unbearable. This is an extremely aggressive form of leukemia so the treatment is aggressive as well. But by the grace of God I went into remission at the end of 2006. I returned to work and an almost normal life. I was alive, in remission, and very thankful.
As I mentioned earlier, I returned from Iraq with a hearing loss. While going through the first treatment for Leukemia, I also suffered increased hearing loss and a constant loud ringing in my ears. It is so loud at times that it could be maddening. I included this as part of the AML claim in October 2006 since it was linked to the treatment of the AML. The VA rejected the loss of hearing as part of the claim because they said that they couldn’t ‘see enough physical damage’ but then sent me to a saleswoman for a hearing aid costing thousands of dollars. She told me that not only would this help me hear, it would also help eliminate the ringing. At this point I had been out of work for months, with a family to support, and my wife due to have our second son any day, how could I pay thousands of dollars for a hearing aid that the VA said I didn’t really need?
Sadly, after almost 2 years of remission, I find myself battling a relapse of Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML).
It has been medically established that AML can be caused by chemical exposures as well as radiation. Daily job responsibilities throughout my time in the Army included training and operation of combat vehicles like Bradleys and Strykers. When I served in Iraq, I guarded some chemical spills/sites and was exposed to Depleted Uranium (from weapons use). In one specific incident, our company was called in to guard what seemed to be an old sealed bunker. We were wearing our normal protective gear. It was very dark inside but when we found ‘unknown’ chemicals, a Nuclear Biological Chemical Specialist was called in for testing. When he recognized one of the chemicals he quickly left the site and returned in full protective gear. We immediately put on our masks and worked our way out of the building. When the testing was done, a higher echelon of testers was brought in, while we continued to guard at the door of the bunker. Based on the seriousness of the results, we were told to leave the bunker and stay approximately a mile away.
My disability claim for AML was made in October of 2006 when I was hospitalized for an emergency appendectomy. I had been through chemo, bone marrow biopsies, a lengthy hospital stay, and was recovering at home. Unfortunately, the V.A. denied the connection or disability benefits for the illness. In my ‘rejection letter’ from the VA, it states that “We denied your claim for pension benefits. The evidence of record fails to demonstrate you are unable to secure or follow a substantial gainful occupation as a result of this disability.” It also states “Service connection for Acute Myeloid Leukemia is denied.” (See enclosure #1)
And now the chemo, antibiotics, and AML have taken the majority of my hearing, and made the ringing worse. I can now only hear most people when they shout, and some people I can not hear at all. I can not hear doctors or nurses when they are discussing treatment or asking questions. Someone else must be there to make sure I get all of the information or summarize later. On a personal note, can you imagine not being able to hear your 18 month old son ask for a drink, or tell you he loves you? Would you protect your country if you knew you might not be able to hear your 11 year old son talk about his newest interest or ask a question about his faith?
Currently I am waiting and praying for a lifesaving bone marrow match to be found. I will continue to have chemotherapy once a month until then and will not be released to go back to work for at least one year, and that is if a bone marrow match can be found. Another point to make is that if/when a match is found it costs $1,000 dollars per potential match to complete the final screening. Currently insurance doesn’t cover it and I am on a partial income while not working.
And there are others returning with this type of Leukemia as a well as other cancers. One such person was Andy Rounds. He joined the Army right out of high school. Andy served with Army 1/62 (Tropic Lightening out of Hawaii, Schofield Barracks) and he was stationed in Kirkuk, Iraq at a forward operating base. Two years after his release from the Army, Andy was diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. Andy died in October of 2007 at age 22. His mother could not even get his funeral paid for. There is another man in Alabama, Joshua Barber, who served as a civilian Trainer to Iraqi police, jailers, and prison guards at the same location (Mosul) and he has recently been diagnosed with the same form of Leukemia.
And finally, one of the keys to the VA not taking responsibility for this is that it was not diagnosed within 12 months of separation of service. Research shows this disease, like other cancers, can take years to manifest. An irony here is that there is a ‘Gulf War exam’ that is offered to any service member returning from the Middle East I was not informed of it until after I was diagnosed.
In closing, I was willing to give my life for this country. I went to Iraq with the pride and conviction that I was protecting my America, my beliefs, and my family. Now I am asking for the same support. I believe that I am entitled to a full disability. I believe that the VA should take the obvious responsibility and do everything in its power to save my life and the lives of others, and prevent this from happening in the future. Returning veterans must be informed about the Gulf War Exam that they are entitled to. I risked my life to defend my country and I would like to think that in return, this United States government would accept its responsibility and do the right thing.
I appreciate your time and attention to this matter and I would like to thank you in advance for anything you might do to help.”
Editor’s Note: Matt died on the morning of August 3rd, 2008, after a valiant battle, surrounded by family and friends.
We encourage everyone to register with the Bone Marrow Registry (all it requires is a simple swab to the cheek and a little paperwork) and to please tell everyone you know about the importance of the Gulf War Exam.
More information is available from IraqRadiation.com.
Health Effects of Depleted Uranium
The use of munitions containing depleted uranium is a war crime. The U.S. Department of Defense — as well as numerous other departments in the Bush administration — has covered up the environmental consequences and the devastatingly adverse health effects since the use of depleted uranium began during the first Gulf War in 1991, allegedly so they could use it in combat.
Adverse health effects from depleted uranium exposure include, but are not limited to: Kidney problems, rashes, blurred vision, sensitivity to light and sound, localized numbness, reactive airway disease, headaches, neurological abnormalities, lymphoma, various forms of skin and organ cancer, uranium in semen and urine, neuro-psychological disorders, problems with gum tissue, sexual dysfunction and birth defects in children conceived after the exposure. More information on depleted uranium and health can be found in this report (PDF) from GrassRootsPeace.org. It’s time for accountability.
Links to More Information
A handful of links regarding Depleted Uranium and the devastating effect is has on our troops and the Middle East can be found below.
It’s Official, More Than A Million U.S. Gulf War Troops Dead and Disabled article from LibertyForLife.com
Depleted uranium symptoms linked to U.S. soldier’s mysterious death article from TomFlocco.com
Biggest Bush Scandal: Depleted Uranium Terrorism article from URNext.com
Another U.S. war crime? Iraqi cities ‘hot’ with depleted uranium article from Global Research Canada
Daughter of Soldier Contaminated with Depleted Uranium in Iraq Born with Deformities article from Democracy Now
Support the Troops…or just one now that he is home article from ImpeachForPeace
Death Made In America: Impacts of Depleted Uranium Contamination on Afghanistan’s Children article from Global Research Canada
Warning: Disturbing Photographs
Depleted Uranium: Poisoning Our Planet article from TruthOut
Depleted Uranium: The American Legacy article from Information Clearing House
Gulf War Syndrome, Depleted Uranium and the Dangers of Low-Level Radiation article by Dr. Rosalie Bertell from Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility
Depleted uranium – Recycling death – Stories from the archives of the Progressive Review
Depleted Uranium, Diabetes, Cancer And You article by Dr. Alan Cantwell from Rense.com
Depleted Uranium Kills Indiscriminately article from AmericanFreePress.net
Depleted Uranium has Destroyed the Genetic Future of Iraq article from Hugul Al-Nakhl WordPress Blog
The Doctor, Depleted Uranium and Dying Children article and video from The Fanonite
Veterans and Military Health information from MedLinePlus
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