Today in a 31-67 vote, the Senate voted to reject an amendment that sought to strike retroactive immunity to telecommunications companies, voting — not that it comes as any surprise — instead to pass an amendment granting retroactive immunity.
Below are the names of all those present for the vote today. I have included phone numbers for those who voted nay. You’ll notice that Senator Clinton couldn’t be bothered with showing up and voting, Senator Obama voted against granting the retroactive immunity while Senator McCain decided to vote in favor of retroactive immunity.
If your Senator voted in favor of granting immunity it’s ok to be outraged. Several of our Senators, both Democrat and Republican, don’t seem to care what the public thinks, wants and needs. It’s time for a recall or it’s time to take a long hard look at those who continue bending over for this administration while sticking it to every American citizen and it’s time to start holding them accountable for their actions.
Wanting to pass unconstitutional laws at the expense of millions of lives for personal pleasure and profit regardless of the consequences has gone on too long. Setting the example that it’s ok to break laws and ignore subpoenas since you won’t be punished or held accountable for breaking the law doesn’t help.
Constantly allowing and attributing to the blatantly illicit activities of this administration makes you just as guilty.
The Senate also rejected amendments that would substitute the government as a defendant in the lawsuits regarding warrantless spying and one that would allow a special FISA court to review the lawsuits.
Results of the FISA vote from the Senate Grouped By Vote Position:
YEAs — 31
Akaka (D-HI)
Baucus (D-MT)
Biden (D-DE)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Brown (D-OH)
Byrd (D-WV)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Cardin (D-MD)
Casey (D-PA)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI)
Harkin (D-IA)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Kerry (D-MA)
Klobuchar (D-MN)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Murray (D-WA)
Obama (D-IL)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Sanders (I-VT)
Schumer (D-NY)
Tester (D-MT)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wyden (D-OR)
NAYs —67
Alexander (R-TN) — (202) 224-4944
Allard (R-CO) — (202) 224-5941
Barrasso (R-WY) — (202) 224-6441
Bayh (D-IN) — (202) 224-5623
Bennett (R-UT) — (202) 224-5444
Bond (R-MO) — (202) 224-5721
Brownback (R-KS) — (202) 224-6521
Bunning (R-KY) — (202) 224-4343
Burr (R-NC) — (202) 224-3154
Carper (D-DE) — (202) 224-2441
Chambliss (R-GA) — (202) 224-3521
Coburn (R-OK) — (202) 224-5754
Cochran (R-MS) — (202) 224-5054
Coleman (R-MN) — (202) 224-5641
Collins (R-ME) — (202) 224-2523
Conrad (D-ND) — (202) 224-2043
Corker (R-TN) — (202) 224-3344
Cornyn (R-TX) — (202) 224-2934
Craig (R-ID) — (202) 224-2752
Crapo (R-ID) — (202) 224-6142
DeMint (R-SC) — (202) 224-6121
Dole (R-NC) — (202) 224-6342
Domenici (R-NM) — (202) 224-6621
Ensign (R-NV) — (202) 224-6244
Enzi (R-WY) — (202) 224-3424
Feinstein (D-CA) — (202) 224-3841
Grassley (R-IA) — (202) 224-3744
Gregg (R-NH) — (202) 224-3324
Hagel (R-NE) — (202) 224-4224
Hatch (R-UT) — (202) 224-5251
Hutchison (R-TX) — (202) 224-5922
Inhofe (R-OK) — (202) 224-4721
Inouye (D-HI) — (202) 224-3934
Isakson (R-GA) — (202) 224-3643
Johnson (D-SD) — (202) 224-5842
Kohl (D-WI) — (202) 224-5653
Kyl (R-AZ) — (202) 224-4521
Landrieu (D-LA) — (202) 224-5824
Lieberman (ID-CT) — (202) 224-4041
Lincoln (D-AR) — (202) 224-4843
Lugar (R-IN) — (202) 224-4814
Martinez (R-FL) — (202) 224-3041
McCain (R-AZ) — (202) 224-2235
McCaskill (D-MO) — (202) 224-6154
McConnell (R-KY) — (202) 224-2541
Mikulski (D-MD) — (202) 224-4654
Murkowski (R-AK) — (202) 224-6665
Nelson (D-FL) — (202) 224-5274
Nelson (D-NE) — (202) 224-6551
Pryor (D-AR) — (202) 224-2353
Roberts (R-KS) — (202) 224-4774
Rockefeller (D-WV) — (202) 224-6472
Salazar (D-CO) — (202) 224-5852
Sessions (R-AL) — (202) 224-4124
Shelby (R-AL) — (202) 224-5744
Smith (R-OR) — (202) 224-3753
Snowe (R-ME) — (202) 224-5344
Specter (R-PA) — (202) 224-4254
Stabenow (D-MI) — (202) 224-4822
Stevens (R-AK) — (202) 224-3004
Sununu (R-NH) — (202) 224-2841
Thune (R-SD) — (202) 224-2321
Vitter (R-LA) — (202) 224-4623
Voinovich (R-OH) — (202) 224-3353
Warner (R-VA) — (202) 224-2023
Webb (D-VA) — (202) 224-4024
Wicker (R-MS) — (202) 224-6253
Not Voting — 2
Clinton (D-NY)
Graham (R-SC)
Contact information for the Senate, including address, phone and email can be found on the web site. More information can be found at The Washington Post or
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