Recently Adam had what will hopefully be his last surgery — he was neutered and his hind quarters were attended to. He doesn’t have to wear bandages over most of his body now and his skin grafts have taken beautifully. Hopefully the hair will grow back on the lower end of his spine. A picture of Adam and an update are available from the Santa Rosa Press Democrat.
Adam still receives lots of gifts and cards from all over the world. His catster page is cute and has some nice pictures of Adam and some of his many friends and fans. Adam has given a lot of people hope and inspiration.
Tina Wright, Adams’ caregiver and foster parent, wrote the following to Forgotten Felines about Adam:
“He is very proud of himself now that he doesn’t have bandages. Although his back will be permanently disfigured and he will always have a limp because of the severe burns, none of these factors have slowed him down or dampened his spirits. He is a happy purr box and loves every person who cares to give him attention.