Below is an email update about Adam and the 11 year old boy who saved him from Jennifer Kirchner, Executive Director of Forgotten Felines. If you donate online your email address is added to an update list. They have a newsletter you can sign up for too. There is also a special page dedicated to Adam with regularly posted updates.
Dear Friends: On behalf of Adam and all of us at Forgotten Felines, thank you SO very much for the contribution you have made through our web site for his care. The outpouring of support, well wishes and healing energy sent his way means a great deal – to him and to us. At this time, we have no idea what the cost of his care will be, but your donations will definitely lighten that load!
If you haven’t already been receiving them, we are sending out periodic “Adam Reports”. I know how busy everyone is and how inundated we can get with e-mail, so if you don’t want to be on our e-mail list, just let me know and I’ll remove you. When you have the time, you can always view the reports at our web site –
Adam’s surgery which was supposed to have been today (Tuesday 7/24) was pushed up a day, so he is now recovering from the skin graph which occurred yesterday, Monday 7/23. Normally the night after surgery is very difficult for him, but this time he did very well. In fact, he was up and running around so much that Dr. Leavey, one of the vets at Animal Hospital of Cotati had to get him to settle down. Today he is sleeping and recovering nicely.
Because of the change in surgery schedule, we were unable to take Caesar and Sarah, his two rescuers, to visit Adam last evening. Instead, we went to Caesar’s house and delivered the thank-you cards, gifts and e-mails received from all over the country. He is quite overwhelmed at the attention his seemingly small act of kindness has generated. Five members of the Forgotten Felines staff, Sarah and I sat at a picnic table outside Caesar’s front door and visited with him, his little sister, and two of his friends, Omar and Oscar. We explained to him that thousands and thousands of people are aware of what he did for Adam and even though it may not feel like it to him, Adam’s story and what he did to save him has spread literally all over the world. (We had an e-mail this morning from folks who read about Adam’s story in Brazil.) At one point I said to Caesar “You are really a great guy…..” and one of his little friends, Omar, reached over to Caesar, put his arm around him and said “Yes, he is.” They were truly proud of their friend and happy he was receiving so much recognition.
Standing off to the side were Caesar’s extremely proud mother, grandmother, grandfather and aunt. Although the adults speak Spanish only, (all of the children are fluent in English) one of our staff members, Margarita, translated so they too could participate in the experience. We acknowledged and praised the family for instilling positive values to their children. A visit with Adam is being planned for later this week or early next week.
New pictures of Adam have been posted on our web site. They are from the early days when Adam still had his ears. We’ve also posted a picture of Sampson (Adam’s presumed brother). He is doing better and better every day. He has given up his feral antics and is turning into a little purr bug. Even though he has ringworm (a fungus), we can’t help but lavish him with attention. No news as of yet on the 3rd kitten.
From Alaska to Maryland and everywhere in between, many, many thanks. We have friends all over the country now and it’s a great feeling!
Your donations, kind notes and keen interest are a source of comfort to all of us. Although Adam is an extreme case, Forgotten Felines and every shelter in this country see cases of abuse and neglect on a regular basis. Although we choose to focus on the good, our work can be heartbreaking. Your appreciation for what we do is one of the supports that we lean upon to continue our mission.
With sincere gratitude,
Jennifer Kirchner, Executive Director
Forgotten Felines of Sonoma County, CA
P.O. Box 6672, Santa Rosa, CA 95406
(707) 576-7999
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