The animal Hospital of Cotati and Forgotten Felines have reportedly been receiving calls, donations and emails for Adam, the burned kitten from the ‘A Touching Saga of Survival’ post. His story was picked up the the Associated Press and has resulted in an avalanche of outrage and support from all over the world.
Please note: there is a minor update from 7/24/07 below.
The Animal Hospital of Cotati has received about 100 calls according to Heather Rommel, a hospital receptionist. So far the hospital has taken about 40 credit card donations from people all over the country who want to see Adam survive.
Two black kittens believed to be Adam’s siblings were reportedly seen not far from where Adam was burned by the two teenage girls. One male kitten was caught. His name is Sampson. Attempts to catch the other one have proven unsuccessful so far.
The animal control officials investigating the case believe Adam’s siblings were set free. They found no evidence that the other kittens were harmed.